Regular Expression

In [1]:
def search(pattern, text):
    """Return true if pattern appears anywhere in text."""
    if pattern[0] == "^":
        return match(pattern[1:], text)
        return match(".*"+pattern, text)

In [2]:
def match1(p, text):
    """Return true if first character of text matches pattern character p."""
    if not text: return False
    return p == '.' or p == text[0]

In [6]:
def match_star(p, pattern, text):
    """Return true if any number of char p, followed by pattern, matching text."""
    return (match1(p, text) and match_star(p, pattern, text[1:])) or match(pattern, text)

In [5]:
def match(pattern, text):
    """Return True if pattern appears at the start of text."""
    if pattern == "":
        return True
    elif pattern == "$":
        return (text == "")
    elif len(pattern) > 1 and pattern[1] in "*?":
        p, op, pat = pattern[0], pattern[1], pattern[2:]
        if op == "*":
            return match_star(p, pat, text)
        elif op == "?":
            if match1(p, text) and match(pat, text[1:]):
                return True
                return match(pat, text)            
        return match1(pattern[0], text) and match(pattern[1:], text[1:])

In [10]:
def test():
    assert search('baa*!', 'Sheep said baaaa!')
    assert search('baa*!', 'Sheep said baaaa humbug') == False
    assert match('baa*!', 'Sheep said baaaa!') == False
    print "All test pass!"

All test pass!

Language Processor

In [ ]:
def lit(string):  return ('lit', string)
def seq(x, y):    return ('seq', x, y)
def alt(x, y):    return ('alt', x, y)
def star(x):      return ('star', x)
def plus(x):      return ('seq', x, star(x))
def opt(x):       return alt(lit(''), x) #opt(x) means that x is optional
def oneof(chars): return ('oneof', tuple(chars))
dot = ('dot',)
eol = ('eol',)

def test():
    assert lit('abc')         == ('lit', 'abc')
    assert seq(('lit', 'a'), 
               ('lit', 'b'))  == ('seq', ('lit', 'a'), ('lit', 'b'))
    assert alt(('lit', 'a'), 
               ('lit', 'b'))  == ('alt', ('lit', 'a'), ('lit', 'b'))
    assert star(('lit', 'a')) == ('star', ('lit', 'a'))
    assert plus(('lit', 'c')) == ('seq', ('lit', 'c'), 
                                  ('star', ('lit', 'c')))
    assert opt(('lit', 'x'))  == ('alt', ('lit', ''), ('lit', 'x'))
    assert oneof('abc')       == ('oneof', ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    return 'tests pass'

print test()

In [ ]:
def matchset(pattern, text):
    "Match pattern at start of text; return a set of remainders of text."
    op, x, y = components(pattern)
    if 'lit' == op:
        return set([text[len(x):]]) if text.startswith(x) else null
    elif 'seq' == op:
        return set(t2 for t1 in matchset(x, text) for t2 in matchset(y, t1))
    elif 'alt' == op:
        return matchset(x, text) | matchset(y, text)
    elif 'dot' == op:
        return set([text[1:]]) if text else null
    elif 'oneof' == op:
        return set([text[1:]]) if text.startswith(x) else null
    elif 'eol' == op:
        return set(['']) if text == '' else null
    elif 'star' == op:
        return (set([text]) |
                set(t2 for t1 in matchset(x, text)
                    for t2 in matchset(pattern, t1) if t1 != text))
        raise ValueError('unknown pattern: %s' % pattern)
null = frozenset()

def components(pattern):
    "Return the op, x, and y arguments; x and y are None if missing."
    x = pattern[1] if len(pattern) > 1 else None
    y = pattern[2] if len(pattern) > 2 else None
    return pattern[0], x, y
def test():
    assert matchset(('lit', 'abc'), 'abcdef')            == set(['def'])
    assert matchset(('seq', ('lit', 'hi '),
                     ('lit', 'there ')), 
                   'hi there nice to meet you')          == set(['nice to meet you'])
    assert matchset(('alt', ('lit', 'dog'), 
                    ('lit', 'cat')), 'dog and cat')      == set([' and cat'])
    assert matchset(('dot',), 'am i missing something?') == set(['m i missing something?'])
    assert matchset(('oneof', 'a'), 'aabc123')           == set(['abc123'])
    assert matchset(('eol',),'')                         == set([''])
    assert matchset(('eol',),'not end of line')          == frozenset([])
    assert matchset(('star', ('lit', 'hey')), 'heyhey!') == set(['!', 'heyhey!', 'hey!'])
    return 'tests pass'

print test()

In [ ]:
def search(pattern, text):
    "Match pattern anywhere in text; return longest earliest match or None."
    for i in range(len(text)):
        m = match(pattern, text[i:])
        if m is not None:
            return m
def match(pattern, text):
    "Match pattern against start of text; return longest match found or None."
    remainders = matchset(pattern, text)
    if remainders:
        shortest = min(remainders, key=len)
        return text[:len(text)-len(shortest)]
def test():
    assert match(('star', ('lit', 'a')),'aaabcd') == 'aaa'
    assert match(('alt', ('lit', 'b'), ('lit', 'c')), 'ab') == None
    assert match(('alt', ('lit', 'b'), ('lit', 'a')), 'ab') == 'a'
    assert match(seq(star(lit('a')), star(lit('b'))), 'abbv') == 'abb'
    assert search(('alt', ('lit', 'b'), ('lit', 'c')), 'ab') == 'b'
    return 'tests pass'

print test()

In [13]:
def n_ary(f):
    """Given binary function f(x, y), return an n_ary function such
    that f(x, y, z) = f(x, f(y,z)), etc. Also allow f(x) = x."""
    def n_ary_f(x, *args):
        return x if not args else f(x, n_ary_f(*args))
    return n_ary_f

def test():
    f = lambda x, y: ('seq', x, y)
    g = n_ary(f)
    assert g(2,3,4) == ('seq', 2, ('seq', 3, 4))
    assert g(2) == 2
    assert g(2,3) == ('seq', 2, 3)
    return "tests pass"
print test()

tests pass


In [1]:
from functools import update_wrapper

def n_ary(f):
    """Given binary function f(x, y), return an n_ary function such
    that f(x, y, z) = f(x, f(y,z)), etc. Also allow f(x) = x."""
    def n_ary_f(x, *args):
        return x if not args else f(x, n_ary_f(*args))
    update_wrapper(n_ary_f, f) # update the function name and doc
    return n_ary_f

def seq(x, y): return ('seq', x, y)


Help on function seq in module __main__:

seq(x, *args)

In [27]:
def decorator(d):
    def _d(fn):
        return update_wrapper(d(fn), fn)
    return update_wrapper(_d, d)

def n_ary(f):
    """Given binary function f(x, y), return an n_ary function such
    that f(x, y, z) = f(x, f(y,z)), etc. Also allow f(x) = x."""
    def n_ary_f(x, *args):
        return x if not args else f(x, n_ary_f(*args))
    return n_ary_f

def seq(x, y): return ('seq', x, y)


print seq(2,3,4)

Help on function seq in module __main__:

seq(x, *args)

Help on function n_ary in module __main__:

    Given binary function f(x, y), return an n_ary function such
    that f(x, y, z) = f(x, f(y,z)), etc. Also allow f(x) = x.

('seq', 2, ('seq', 3, 4))

Problem Set 1

In [ ]:
from functools import update_wrapper
from string import split
import re

def grammar(description, whitespace=r'\s*'):
    """Convert a description to a grammar.  Each line is a rule for a
    non-terminal symbol; it looks like this:
        Symbol =>  A1 A2 ... | B1 B2 ... | C1 C2 ...
    where the right-hand side is one or more alternatives, separated by
    the '|' sign.  Each alternative is a sequence of atoms, separated by
    spaces.  An atom is either a symbol on some left-hand side, or it is
    a regular expression that will be passed to re.match to match a token.
    Notation for *, +, or ? not allowed in a rule alternative (but ok
    within a token). Use '\' to continue long lines.  You must include spaces
    or tabs around '=>' and '|'. That's within the grammar description itself.
    The grammar that gets defined allows whitespace between tokens by default;
    specify '' as the second argument to grammar() to disallow this (or supply
    any regular expression to describe allowable whitespace between tokens)."""
    G = {' ': whitespace}
    description = description.replace('\t', ' ') # no tabs!
    for line in split(description, '\n'):
        lhs, rhs = split(line, ' => ', 1)
        alternatives = split(rhs, ' | ')
        G[lhs] = tuple(map(split, alternatives))
    return G

def decorator(d):
    "Make function d a decorator: d wraps a function fn."
    def _d(fn):
        return update_wrapper(d(fn), fn)
    update_wrapper(_d, d)
    return _d

def memo(f):
    """Decorator that caches the return value for each call to f(args).
    Then when called again with same args, we can just look it up."""
    cache = {}
    def _f(*args):
            return cache[args]
        except KeyError:
            cache[args] = result = f(*args)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            # some element of args can't be a dict key
            return f(args)
    return _f

def parse(start_symbol, text, grammar):
    """Example call: parse('Exp', '3*x + b', G).
    Returns a (tree, remainder) pair. If remainder is '', it parsed the whole
    string. Failure iff remainder is None. This is a deterministic PEG parser,
    so rule order (left-to-right) matters. Do 'E => T op E | T', putting the
    longest parse first; don't do 'E => T | T op E'
    Also, no left recursion allowed: don't do 'E => E op T'"""

    tokenizer = grammar[' '] + '(%s)'

    def parse_sequence(sequence, text):
        result = []
        for atom in sequence:
            tree, text = parse_atom(atom, text)
            if text is None: return Fail
        return result, text

    def parse_atom(atom, text):
        if atom in grammar:  # Non-Terminal: tuple of alternatives
            for alternative in grammar[atom]:
                tree, rem = parse_sequence(alternative, text)
                if rem is not None: return [atom]+tree, rem  
            return Fail
        else:  # Terminal: match characters against start of text
            m = re.match(tokenizer % atom, text)
            return Fail if (not m) else (, text[m.end():])
    # Body of parse:
    return parse_atom(start_symbol, text)

Fail = (None, None)

JSON = grammar("""value => number | array | string | object | true | false | null
object => { } | { members }
members => pair , members | pair
pair => string : value
array => [[] []] | [[] elements []]
elements => value , elements | value
string => "[^"]*"
number => int frac exp | int frac | int exp | int
int => [-+]?[1-9][0-9]*
frac => [.][0-9]+
exp => [eE][-+][0-9]+""", whitespace='\s*')

def json_parse(text):
    return parse('value', text, JSON)

def test():
    assert json_parse('["testing", 1, 2, 3]') == (                      
                      ['value', ['array', '[', ['elements', ['value', 
                      ['string', '"testing"']], ',', ['elements', ['value', ['number', 
                      ['int', '1']]], ',', ['elements', ['value', ['number', 
                      ['int', '2']]], ',', ['elements', ['value', ['number', 
                      ['int', '3']]]]]]], ']']], '')
    assert json_parse('-123.456e+789') == (
                      ['value', ['number', ['int', '-123'], ['frac', '.456'], ['exp', 'e+789']]], '')
    assert json_parse('{"age": 21, "state":"CO","occupation":"rides the rodeo"}') == (
                      ['value', ['object', '{', ['members', ['pair', ['string', '"age"'], 
                      ':', ['value', ['number', ['int', '21']]]], ',', ['members', 
                      ['pair', ['string', '"state"'], ':', ['value', ['string', '"CO"']]], 
                      ',', ['members', ['pair', ['string', '"occupation"'], ':', 
                      ['value', ['string', '"rides the rodeo"']]]]]], '}']], '')
    return 'tests pass'

print test()

Problem Set 3

In [14]:
import re

def findtags(text):
    parms = '(?:\w+\s*=\s*"[^"]*"\s*)*'
    tags = '(<\s*\w+\s*' + parms + '\s*/?>)'
    return re.findall(tags, text)

testtext1 = """
My favorite website in the world is probably 
<a href="">Udacity</a>. If you want 
that link to open in a <b>new tab</b> by default, you should
write <a href=""target="_blank">Udacity</a>

testtext2 = """
Okay, so you passed the first test case. <let's see> how you 
handle this one. Did you know that 2 < 3 should return True? 
So should 3 > 2. But 2 > 3 is always False.

testtext3 = """
It's not common, but we can put a LOT of whitespace into 
our HTML tags. For example, we can make something bold by
doing <         b           > this <   /b    >, Though I 
don't know why you would ever want to.

def test():
    assert findtags(testtext1) == ['<a href="">', 
                                   '<a href=""target="_blank">']
    assert findtags(testtext2) == []
    assert findtags(testtext3) == ['<         b           >']
    return 'tests pass'

print test()

tests pass

In [ ]: